[OLDENBURG] MA Studentships/Fellowships, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL

Prof. HJ Cook fgcook at btinternet.com
Do Feb 21 09:32:09 CET 2008


MA studentships in the History of Medicine
Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL

The Centre is the world's largest research institute devoted to the study of
the History of Medicine. It invites applications from prospective MA
students with a good honours degree for one year commencing September 2008.
The Centre anticipates being able to offer three studentships at
approximately £19,500 plus the payment of home fees. Applications to study
full or part time without a scholarship are also welcome. The deadline for
the application is 15 May 2008. Interviews will be held in June. For further
details, see http://tinyurl.com/3axcnb  For information and application
forms, contact Adam Wilkinson (email: ucgaawi at ucl.ac.uk)  

Posted by Prof. HJ Cook, Director, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of
Medicine at UCL (h.cook at ucl.ac.uk)

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