[CHEM-HIST] 19 March 2020 meeting on optical activity and chirality ca 1800 to now

Dr Michael Jewess, Research in IP michaeljewess at researchinip.com
Mon Feb 17 14:08:19 CET 2020

Dear Colleagues,


The Historical Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is holding a
one-day meeting on the above on 19 March 2020, in the RSC's fine, historical
headquarters building in Piccadilly, central London, adjacent to the Royal
Academy.  The nearest underground stations are Green Park and Piccadilly
Circus.  The meeting is free of charge and open to all (regardless of
whether they are RSC members), but registration is required (see below) so
as to ensure there is adequate tea and coffee on registration and in the
afternoon break.  


The meeting, entitled The Handed World: 150 Year of Chiral Molecules will
take place at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly
on Thursday 19 March, with registration starting at 10.15 am and the
proceedings proper at 10.45 am. The meeting will review optical activity and
molecular chirality from a historical perspective - beginning in the
nineteenth century and ending with techniques that are used today in the
latest facilities such as the Diamond Light Source, with special reference
to the biological and pharmaceutical importance of chirality.


Fuller details of the objectives of the meeting, including the programme,
with a "Book now" button are available on the RSC website at
-molecules.  Anyone having difficulty with booking via the website should
contact me (if he or she is an RSC member, giving his or her RSC membership


With best wishes, 


Mike  Jewess  


Address for correspondence:


Dr Michael Jewess

Research in intellectual property law, science, and technology

The Long Barn



Oxfordshire OX11 0DX



Phone: +44 (0) 1235 835637

Fax:      +44 (0) 1235 862103

E-mail:   <mailto:michaeljewess at researchinip.com>
michaeljewess at researchinip.com 

Website:   <https://www.researchinip.com> https://www.researchinip.com


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